Losing weight and toning up is quite simple really!
Basically, to reduce fat and lose weight you need to consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain weight. It is a common mistake to think skipping meals is an effective way of reducing calories and achieving weight loss. In fact, quite the opposite! Missing meals reduces your metabolic rate and allows blood sugar levels to drop. This in turn reduces your energy levels.
To combat this, we recommend that you eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. This will reduce hunger and speed up your metabolism.
To maximise your weight loss, the combination of a healthy diet and an effective exercise regime is vital. This will give you faster and more sustainable results than diet or exercise alone.
We have therefore created an easy to follow Healthy Eating Plan. This tells you what to eat and the optimum times when to eat throughout the day.
When trying to reduce fat and lose weight aim to keep your carbohydrate intake low (ie fruit, vegetables, alcohol etc) whilst keeping your protein intake up (ie most meats, skimmed milk etc). It is also important to drink sufficient water regularly throughout the day. This will help you stay healthy and maximise your fitness regimes results.